Thursday, February 21, 2013

DIY Freezer Paper Screen Print Gym Tank

 *This is my FIRST real blog post so take it easy on me if it's not glamorous!

Tank or T-shirt, prewashed. These are the tank tops I got from for $5!
Fabric paint 
Foam paint brush
Freezer paper
X-Acto Knife
Cricut machine, cartridge, & cutting mat
Old magazine 

1.) Line Cricut mat with freezer paper shiny side down. When ironed shiny side down the paper will stick to the fabric so your stencil stays put. 
2.) Using your Cricut Machine, choose the font & size of your text. I used the Plantin Schoolbook cartridge. "SWEAT & LOOK" were cut 1 1/2in & "LIKE A" were cut 1in. Make sure to keep the inside of the "O's & A's. 
3.) Since I don't have a Cricut cartridge for the pig & fox I used this image. I used Word to size the pig & fox to the size I wanted on my shirt, then printed them.  Trace the images onto the matte side of the freezer paper. (Remember you iron the shiny side down) Paper clips come in handy here! Use the X-Acto knife to cut these out. 
4.) Once text & images are cut out, place them where you want them on the shirt & iron them down. Make sure all the edges are down for crisp lines. Don't forget the inside of the O's, A's & fox legs.

5.) Place the old magazine inside the shirt under the stencil.
6.) Using the fabric paint & foam brush smooth the paint evenly. I did about two coats.
7.) Once the paint is completely dry peel away the freezer paper. For smaller pieces like the inside of the fox legs tweezers help a bunch!

Here is another freezer paper tutorial that helped me with my first project for my son! The "G" logo of my husbands oilfield contracting company, Genuine Enterprises, Inc. 

So, I've finally caved and started a dreaded blog. Here I go!